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Colorful Book Spines

Students engage in critical discussions of an assigned book.They share their thoughts with other students, while sipping on juice and having cheese and crackers.

Book Club

This club is for 7th and 8th graders who are interested in seriously pursuing acting. We work on reading and performing scenes from well known plays. We also study improvisation and how it can help the student grow as a performer.

Drama Club

Although we call it the Knitting Club, students can learn to sew, crochet, knit, and do other handcrafts. We meet once a week to relax, practice our crafts, and even sneak in a little math. Mostly, though, we have a lot of fun together.

Tennis Racket and Ball

Tennis is offered by an outside venue:MGM Racquet Sports. They provide
all of the equipment needed and offer a fun-filled introduction to tennis. Tennis is offered to Kindergarten through
eighth grade student.


If you are struggling in math and feel like you are alone, you’re not! If you need reinforcement and practice in a specific or general topic in math, math lab is for you.

Math Lab
Classic Camera

Love taking photographs? At photography club, share your love of taking photos and learn a bit more about what goes into capturing that perfect shot. Each week focuses on a different theme such as still-life, portrait and abstract photography. 

Cooking Ingredients

Students learn about nutrition.  They create quick, easy and healthy recipes. They sample and critique what is created, and take it home to share with their families.

Cooking Club

Students improve   basketball techniques through practice drills. They compete with other Greek-American schools. Teams are made up of sixth though eighth grade students.  

Art Supply

Art Club for the younger grades focuses on fun projects like glitter jars, holiday-themed décor projects, clay sculpture, and canvas painting. Art Club for the upper grades delves into more technique, artist-based, and technique-based projects like Sumi-e painting, scratchboard, basket weaving, and oil pastel Van Gogh replicas.

Art Club
Yoga Mats

Yoga is offered by an outside venue:Little Flower Yoga. They work with children to find inner strength and self-awareness and to face challenges. They learn to practice mindfulness based techniques. Yoga is offered to Kindergarten through fourth grade students.  


Students learn dance techniques and chants to motivate team spirit and entertain the audience.


This club is for 7th and 8th graders who are on the Principal's List. We meet to discuss works of literature in depth, often focusing on one author or theme. We also focus on student writing that is inspired by the authors we are studying in the class.

Honors English
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